The World Plumbing Council (WPC) is an international organization which aims to achieve the best possible plumbing for the world through growth and development of the world’s plumbing industries.
Following the decision of a General Meeting of the WPC in November 1990, WPC was constituted as an association under Swiss law within the meaning of Article 60 of the Swiss Civil Code. The World Plumbing Council’s address and registered office is at Auf der Mauer 11, 8021 Zurich, Switzerland; and has members from all over the world.
Swiss Civil Code
(Status as on 1 January 2011)
Chapter Two: Associations
1 Associations with a political, religious, scientific, cultural, charitable, social or other non-commercial purpose acquire legal personality as soon as their intention to exist as a corporate body is apparent from their articles of association.
2 The articles of association must be done in writing and indicate the objects of the association, its resources and its organisation.
The WPC Articles of Association are the WPC Bylaws
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