WPD Activities 2021


Here are some reports that WPC members from around the world shared showing how they celebrated World Plumbing Day in 2021.

If you would like to add your celebration, please email secretariat@worldplumbing.org.

>>South Africa

IOPSA Southern Cape – Adopting the real spirit of World Plumbing Day

Article and photos by Marius van Wyk, Chairman | This article first appeared on plumbingafrica.co.za

On World Plumbing Day — March 11 — IOPSA Southern Cape identified Herbertsdale Primary School in the Southern Cape for some care and maintenance. The town has boreholes that have run dry, so water is trucked in daily to this town.

We looked at conserving water for the hostel — which uses the most water on the property — as well as its energy conservation, so by replacing 14 old showerheads, we estimated to have saved at least 300ℓ per day just in showers.

With regard to energy, we consolidated geysers that are only used in the day with geysers that are used at night, and which were coupled to heat pumps. The hostel has 60 lights, and we received donations to replace all 60 with LED lights to cut the consumption of energy, as it is a direct expense to the school hostel and would allow them to redirect the monthly savings to add to the food bill, which has been elevated due to a lack of water.(The hostel has its own vegetable gardens, but due to no water, it has had to purchase vegetables, which was an added expense.)

We also cleaned out the stormwater system, which is a well-designed system – with a hidden underground reservoir that was unbeknown to the school! We could only get one extra water tank to assist with rainwater harvesting, and with the stormwater catchment, now cleaned and working, the new gutter system can carry water. We measured and estimated that the underground facility can hold 42,000ℓ of water. With this system working, they would be able to water the gardens again. As it was, we had just had 80mm of rain the day before, which would most probably start filling that facility very quickly.

Acting Mayor of Mossel Bay Dirk Kotze personally attended the day’s activities and spoke to the plumbers about their worthy cause. He even lent a hand by assisting in installing a geyser (you can’t miss him – he’s the well-dressed one, not looking like a plumber at all).

I presented him with a Plumbing Africa magazine to read, and he was pleasantly surprised with it.

View all the photos here.

Participating Plumbers:

Black Hammer Industries — Max Griffiths
Charlson Pipes & Fittings — Charles Pretorius PIGS Plumbing
Denis Plumbers — Dennis en Dean Von Waltsleben
Du Toit Plumbing — Dawie du Toit
The Plumber — Gerhard Heckroodt
Geyser Guy Plumbers — Chantelle
Ocean Select Plumbers — Johan Stadler
Parsons Plumbing — Clive Parsons
Plumbrite — Danie Botha
Potties Plumbing — Frikkie Potgieter
Power Plumbing — Hanno Pretorius
SJ Ackerman Loodgieters — Johan Ackerman
Southern Cape Solar — Glen Boschcom
Stefmat Loodgieters — Marius van Wyk
B&Q Electrical and Plumbing — Quentin Briedenhann
Austria Plumbing — Rudy Glock


On Tap Mosselbaai — Rennie van Wyk and Nico Marais
Plumblink George, Mosselbaai, Knysna en Plettenbergbaai — Jacques Bruwer
Stiles George — Lili Grobler
Light City Mosselbaai — Erna


Collectively, plumbing companies contributed R130 000 worth of man hours on the day.
Borge supplied R35 000 worth of products, and Light City 60 provided new LED lights, which they donated to the hostel.

Helping a School in Need

Plumber Aron Jili offered his free services to help the iKhethelo Children’s Village in Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa.

Below is the letter he received in thanks, a good expression of the difference we can all make as individuals when we use our profession to helps others.

Dear Volunteer,

When you volunteer, you are making a commitment to share that most precious of resources – your time – to make life better for those who are in need. The fruits of your labours make a tangible impact, of course, but perhaps it is the fact that you are willing to share your time and talent to lend a helping hand and to show kindness and caring that makes the greatest difference in the lives of the individuals who are touched by your generosity.



Operations manager

Joe Mthembu


IWSH, RPO to Collaborate for Enhanced WASH Services in Rwanda

Submitted by Jean Claude Twagirimana

The International Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Foundation (IWSH) and the Rwanda Plumbers Organization (RPO) on March 11 announced a memorandum of understanding (MOU) that will provide a framework for collaboration between the two parties. The signing of the two-year MOU is timed to coincide with World Plumbing Day 2021, an occasion that recognizes the vital impact the plumbing industry has on public health, environmental sustainability and economic prosperity across the globe.

Under the new MOU, IWSH and the RPO intend to cooperate on providing water, sanitation and hygiene services to underserved populations and communities in Rwanda. The organizations will also work together on the development of codes and standards, professional licensing programs, and vocational education and training programs, as well as regional public health awareness activities.

“This memorandum of understanding between the RPO and IWSH means a lot to the plumbing industry here, and the RPO in general, in terms of national and international awareness,” RPO Coordinator Jean Claude Twagirimana said. “It is a wonderful opportunity for the RPO to accomplish its mission, for Rwandan plumbers to develop their skills and the Rwandan community to get improved WASH services. Its implementation will improve plumbing workmanship, bring mutual understanding about plumbing projects to all Rwandan plumbers, and raise international awareness of RPO members.”

Over the past 12 months, the RPO has expanded its community awareness and collaborative development in public institutions such as the Ministry of Education, Rwanda Standards Board (RSB), Rwanda Utility Regulatory Authority (RURA) and Rwanda Polytechnique (RP). Membership requests have increased from 32 to 95 members, and Twagirimana said they are exploring ways to bring more women into the organization.

“We hope to continue developing our industry across the country and Africa as a whole,” he continued. “Rwanda promotes vocational and educational training, including plumbing, so by developing codes and standards, as well as a thorough curriculum and new partnerships for different programs that will be developed, we expect to have 5,000 certified, licensed plumbers within the next five years. We expect to have a well-equipped plumbing innovation and training laboratory for all categories of plumbers within 10 years.”

Last year, the World Plumbing Council (WPC) facilitated a pilot partnership between IWSH and the RPO to support community hand-washing and public health awareness activities in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. An RPO team designed and donated a mobile hand-washing station via a plumbing workshop hosted at the Integrated Polytechnic Regional College in Huye district, in Rwanda’s Southern Province, approximately 80 miles from the nation’s capital, Kigali. With IWSH support, the RPO provided additional mobile hand-washing stations to three primary schools, two high schools and five vulnerable households in the Musanze district sectors of Muhoza, Muko and Cyuve.

“Our fellow World Plumbing Council partners at RPO have shared ambitious plans for plumbing industry development in Rwanda in the years ahead,” said IWSH Managing Director Seán Kearney. “From the IWSH side, we are keen to support, learn and work together with RPO toward greater capacity building in the region. We look forward to collaborating further with RPO and its members under this new MOU agreement.”


Plumbers Association of Zambia (PAZA) Celebrates 2021 World Plumbing Day — March 11

Submitted by Moses Chongo, CEO/President, PAZA

This year the Plumbers Association of Zambia celebrated World Plumbing Day in a special way. In Livingstone City, the tourist capital of Zambia in Southern Province, the PAZA team joined the plumbing family globally in observing World Plumbing Day for the first time in the organization’s history.

PAZA District Chairperson Mr. Mukonka Mwambwa thanked the organization for allowing members to organize some activities that took place in the district on March 11. On March 11, plumbers organized themselves and met at Livingstone Prisons for a brief on updates and other activities for the special day; 21 members attended and participated in all planned programs.

Mukonka further reported that the work was done at four sites, and members divided themselves into four groups. The teams managed achieved the following:

  • Replaced 17 flushing cisterns and replaced flexible pipes at Linda Secondary School.
  • Cleaned the surrounding area of the ablution blocks at Linda Secondary School.
  • Rebuilt the collapsed wall fence.
  • Replaced one water closet pan and serviced seven cisterns at Livingstone Main Post Office.
  • Built traditional hand wash basin stands for COVID 19 awareness and also replaced the broken sewer pipe and repaired the inspection chamber.

Mr. Mukonka said the teams managed to do all the work through support from the Plumbers Association of Zambia at the national level, the local community and the government.

The PAZA president and the CEO, Mr. Moses Chongo, thanked the Livingstone team for the job well done and encouraged all the plumbers to continue working as a team so that “together we can achieve our goal.” He said every member should take a keen interest in supporting the organization and participating in various projects. Chongo said COVID-19 is still with us and it’s a big challenge because some planned activities are going down and resulting in a bad global economy, but COVID or no COVID, we shall continue to work hard. Plumbers should come together and assess challenges facing the local community, especially in water sanitation and hygiene.


2021 World Plumbing Day & China Smart Water Summit Forum

The 2021 World Plumbing Day & China Smart Water Summit Forum was successfully held in the ancient city of Xi’an on March 26, 2021(The meeting was delayed two weeks over the scheduled time due to epidemic control. The conference was organized by the China Building Metal Structure Association, a full member of World Plumbing Council, the Shaanxi Urban Water Supply and Drainage Association, the Xi’an Water Supply and Drainage Engineering and Technology Association, the Beijing Jiuda Wisdom Water Co., Ltd., the Shaanxi Water Group Installation Engineering Co., Ltd., and Yingwen Exhibition (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. The summit included more than 350 representatives from national water companies, engineering companies, and design institutes.

The topics of the forum included Application of Smart Water in Secondary Water Supply, Application and Promotion of Stainless Steel Pipe in Water Departments, Baidu AI Accelerates Digital and Intelligent Transformation of Water Affairs,  and Application of Big Data of Water Affairs.

Along within the forum there was also a small water exhibition that presented pipes and fittings, valves and pumps, as well as some water supply and drainage products.

The conference adopted the live picture format, and had more than 130000 people attend online.

Download the full report. (PDF)


World Plumbing Day and IPA Founders’ Day Celebrations

Submitted by the Indian Plumbing Association

This year along with World Plumbing Day, IPA also celebrated its first Founders’ Day on March 11, as it was on this day that Indian plumbing industry stalwarts came together in 1993 to form this premier and exclusive plumbing industry members association.

The celebration started Feb. 26 with regional webinars and a social media contest, and culminated March 11 with a national webinar, which luminaries from the plumbing profession and policy makers from across the globe attended.

IPA registered a whooping attendance of more than 510, both on Zoom and Facebook Live.

Commendable deliberations where held on Safe and Hygiene Plumbing and Water Saving.

Guest of Honour Kevin Wellman, a WPC director and CEO of The Chartered Institute of Plumbing & Heating Engineering (CIPHE), said, “In the current context with the pandemic, water safety is as important as water efficiency, and here the global plumbing industry has a crucial role to play to safeguard the health of the nations.”

Chief Guest Avinash Mishra, an adviser for NITI Aayog (GOI), said, “We must revamp our water conservation measures with water conservation at source, augmenting water supply and integrating technological advancements.”

SG Deolalikar, IPA chairman emeritus and IPA founder, shared three points of wisdom with plumbing industry stakeholders: the need for plumbing, the danger of contamination and the urgent need for skilling in plumbing profession.

The webinar video is available on the IPA YouTube channel and the IPA website. Click this link to view: https://www.indianplumbing.org/Virtual-Technical-Session-Details.php?id=6045c0a146e4d

Crucial topics including water conservation, river rejuvenation and hydro informatics were discussed and deliberated by learned experts in the field. This brought out takeaways on how we can contribute to the cause of water saving at the individual and community level.

Dr. Rajendra Singh, known as the “waterman of India,” was the expert speaker in the Gujarati webinar, and he shed light on the work done by Tarun Bharat Sangh to bring life to water bodies in India across the country.

As a gesture to support this initiative, IPA contributed a sum of Rs 51,000 to Tarun Bharat Sangh.

Regional languages brought out a different flavor to WPD celebrations. Watch this video on the various regional webinars: https://youtu.be/8OZfWdCcOuM.

IPA Regional webinars may be viewed at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8OZfWdCcOuM.

#BeAWaterCrusader2021 Social Media Contest

After a successful run in 2020, the IPA launched #BeAWaterCrusader2021 social media contest on IPA social pages: Facebook, Twitter LinkedIn.

  • The nine-day contest had more than 105 entries.
  • Netizens shared content in the forms of videos, pictures and text on how they contribute to water saving in their unique way.
  • All posts carried hashtags: #BeAWaterCrusader2021 and #WorldPlumbingDay2021.
  • IPA contest posts were liked and retweeted by World Plumbing Council Twitter handle and World Plumbing Day Twitter handle.
  • Participants from across the country participated.

Three cash prizes of Rs 5000, 3000 and 2000 were given to the winner, first and second runners-up, respectively.

Report of WPD Gujarati Webinar Ahmedabad /Surat/ Vadodara Chapter

On the occasion of World Plumbing Day 2021 and the Indian Plumbing Association’s Founders Day, a Gujarati webinar was organized jointly by the Ahmedabad, Surat and Vadodara chapters with the theme of water conservation.

It was organized in a virtual format on Zoom on March 4, by inviting “Jal Purush, Waterman of India” Dr. Rajendra Singh.

Program outline was as below:

* The webinar started at 18:00 hours by MOC Mr. Apurva Shah, NEC member from IPAAC, with the national anthem and a welcome note.

* Mr. Minesh Shah, chairman of the Ahmedabad Chapter, gave a welcome address and described a number of IPA activities like World Plumbing Day, Founders Day, the upcoming Indian Plumbing Professionals League and ISW Mission with this year’s target.

* Mr. Rajesh Dhabuwala, chairman of the Surat Chapter, gave a small presentation on the importance of saving water by adopting good plumbing techniques and rainwater harvesting

* Mr. Jayesh Shah, chairman of the Vadodara Chapter, gave his address on water conservation and adopting good practices in the designing of drainage facilities.

ASTRAL Pipes sponsored the webinar, and Mr. Ritesh Patel from Astral delivered an informative product presentation.

The expert speaker of the day, Dr. Rajendra Singh, took the topic of water conservation through his untiring works done in river rejuvenation by his Tarun Bharat Sangh across many parts of the country. He gave an inspiring presentation on water conservation and saving water, creating awareness toward IPA’s mission of I SAVE WATER.

IPA National President Mr Gurmit Singh felicitated Dr. Rajendra Singh with an honorary IPA life membership. He announced a donation of Rs 51,000 to Tarun Bharat Sangh as a small token from the IPA for the water conservation activities carried out by TBS in a huge way. He also asked Dr. Singh to explore possibilities so that IPA and Tarun Bharat Sangh can join hands and work toward the broad goal of water conservation.

During the program an interesting quiz contest was held on two subjects — the IPA and plumbing — was conducted by Mr. Dipen Mehta and Mr. Harshal Parikh. Ten winners received cash vouchers of Rs 500 each, as well as the book “A Guide to Good Plumbing Practices in Gujarati.”


  1. Mitesh Shah
  2. Chetan Vyas
  3. Manish Tiwari
  4. Sanil Hansotia
  5. Varun Patel
  6. Hiren Shah
  7. Niraj Chaudhary
  8. Vivek Pagare
  9. Rakesh Patel
  10. Rushil Shah

A vote of thanks was given by IPAAC Hon. Secretary Mr. Ketan Parikh.


Plumbing Industry Climate Action Centre World Plumbing Day Celebrations

Submitted by The Plumbing Industry Climate Action Centre (PICAC)

On World Plumbing Day, the annual Apprentice Skills Contest took center stage at PICAC Brunswick. Five plumbing and four sprinkler fitting apprentices competed in a challenge that put their skills and knowledge to the test. Due to COVID-19 requirements, contestant numbers for this year’s event were limited. The competition was fierce as always, and all the contestants did extremely well. Nathan Tabb from National Plumbing and Contracting was announced the winner of the plumbing competition. Tom Duncan from Fireline took out the top spot in the sprinkler-fitting competition. Congratulations to the winners and the finalists!

To celebrate World Plumbing Day and reflect on the future direction of the plumbing industry, The Plumbing Industry Climate Action Centre presents The Australian Plumbing Industry Forecast. The COVID-19 pandemic has had unexpected and wide-ranging consequences for the plumbing industry. Bringing together key industry stakeholders from the Australian plumbing and fire protection sectors, PICAC’s video discussion examines how industry responded to this unique moment in history and explores the lessons that can be taken from this period of uncertainty and disruption.

Plumbing Ambassadors Appointed on World Plumbing Day to Inspire Future Trades

Submitted by: Master Plumbers’ Association of Queensland (MPAQ)

On March 11, Master Plumbers’ Association of Queensland (MPAQ) revealed the 2021 Queensland Plumbing Ambassadors: Sam Raper – Paul Gray Plumbing Services, Toni Hillman – New Build Plumbing, Simon Townson – Tri Plumbing Services, and Sonya Hughes – Hughes Plumbing Contractors. The announcement was made in front of more than 300 attendees at the World Plumbing Day Industry Breakfast, which was held at Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre.

Pictured (left to right): The Hon. Michael de Brenni MP – Minister for Public Works and Procurement, Sam Raper – Paul Gray Plumbing Services, Toni Hillman – New Build Plumbing, Simon Townson – Tri Plumbing Services, Sonya Hughes – Hughes Plumbing Contractors, Kent Vickers – MPAQ President, and Penny Cornah – MPAQ Executive Director.

World Plumbing Day is celebrated March 11 every year, everywhere, and is now a fixture on the calendars of political and social institutions around the globe. World Plumbing Day aims to spread awareness of the importance of plumbing and plumbers in protecting public health as well as celebrating all the important work plumbers have done to improve the world.

The plumbing community has a vital role in promoting the link between good quality plumbing, health, environmental sustainability, and economic prosperity.

MPAQ Executive Director Penny Cornah said, “This is an important opportunity for the whole community to appreciate the hard work performed by members of our industry.”

“Queensland plumbers are experts in their field, who deliver the highest standards in health and safety throughout the world”, Cornah said. “While we should celebrate the industry and those who play an important part in it, World Plumbing Day also allows us to reflect on the future of our industry, and ensuring that we see a diverse, engaged and skilled future workforce is essential to that.”

The ambassadors were chosen to represent MPAQ and promote this important trade to school students and career-seekers across the state, focusing on raising awareness to students about studying an apprenticeship and explaining where a trade can take them both professionally and personally. This year, there will also be a focus on engaging with business owners to grow the number of opportunities available to those seeking a plumbing apprenticeship.

“I would like to congratulate this year’s ambassadors and thank them for giving up their time to help us develop the future of our industry. I look forward to working with them,” Cornah said.

About the Ambassadors

Toni Hillman, a licensed plumber and drainer of New Build Plumbing based in Morningside, has been a part of the plumbing and gas industry for more than 13 years.

Hillman said, “I need to show my face more and feel confident enough to step up to promote the industry and encourage others to follow in my footsteps.”

Hillman started out as a school-based apprentice and continued to complete her apprenticeship mainly in the domestic area. She has attended a few different events where she has been a guest speaker and has been an advocate for the industry — for not only women, but men as well.

“I want to participate more in events to promote the industry that I love,” she said.

 Sonya Hughes is the office manager for Hughes Plumbing Contractors and has been involved in the plumbing industry for about 10 years.

Hughes said, “I am passionate about our industry and how important it is to promote this highly skilled trade as a career for future generations.”

Prior to her appointment as a plumbing ambassador, Hughes held meetings with local schools to promote the trade, with a focus on promoting increasing diversity in the industry.

“I think that plumbing has a stigma among young people as a dirty job that is suitable only for males; however, I would like to share the variety of plumbing career opportunities available,” she said.

“Regardless of gender or physical strength, plumbing can be a very successful career choice for all.”

Sam Raper is a fourth-year apprentice in his third year with Paul Gray Plumbing Services.

He said, “Even though I have only been in the industry for a short period of time, it has given me so much, and I am hoping I can return this back to others who wish to pursue a career in this industry.”

Finding his passion after 33 years, having gone through two companies to find an employer who is supportive, Raper is undergoing night school to complete his Cert 4 and has been awarded the 2020 TAFE Plumbing Apprentice of the Year and 2020 TAFE Outstanding Apprentice of the Year.

“Being an ambassador will help grow my knowledge of the industry and could also open up some doors for me in the future.”

Simon Townson is a licensed plumber, drainer, and gasfitter and the managing director at Tri Plumbing Services. He has been in the industry for 18 years and is a big advocate for apprentices and reskilling. He also believes that there is a struggle for education around employers taking on apprentices.

Townson’s ambassadorship role will be slightly different to that of Hillman, Hughes and Raper, with an employer focus where he will be able to connect with businesses and promote the importance of taking on apprentices and all the advantages this can bring to a company.

6PR Radio Station Recognizes Important Work of Plumbers

Submitted by: The Master Plumbers and Gasfitters Association of Western Australia

Gareth Parker of 6PR882 News Talk radio had a segment on World Plumbing Day and the importance of plumbing. Murray Thomas, Chief Executive Officer of The Master Plumbers and Gasfitters Association of Western Australia, was also a guest caller during the segment. Listen to the audio below.

Celebrating World Plumbing Day March 11, Every Year, Everywhere

Submitted by: Master Plumbers’ Association of Queensland (MPAQ)

As we all know, 2020 was an interesting year for events, with COVID-19 causing a large number of postponements and cancellations for event calendars worldwide. For this reason, MPAQ was especially excited to once again be able to celebrate World Plumbing Day by hosting more than 300 attendees for the plumbing and gas industry’s biggest breakfast.

Special guests included the Honourable Michael de Brenni MP, minister for Energy, Renewables and Hydrogen and minister for Public Works and Procurement, and Gary O’Halloran, state secretary of the Plumbing and Pipe Trades Employees Union Queensland.

Cancer Council Queensland (CCQ)

Each year, MPAQ members choose a charity they would like to support and for which they would like to raise funds. With more than 30 events in this calendar year, attendees across the state have the opportunity to participate and make donations toward the chosen charity.

MPAQ is proud to officially announce Cancer Council Queensland (CCQ) as the charity for 2021 and was lucky to have Public Relations Manager Rhys Reynolds present at the event. Rhys discussed a real-life case about baby Imogen and some of the major research projects on which the Australian Childhood Cancer Registry has been working.

The MPAQ team sold raffle tickets throughout the breakfast for CCQ and with more than A$4,000 raised, we thank everyone for their contributions! A special thank-you to Justin Cain and Rhys Reynolds, who attended the event.

Visit the events page on the MPAQ website (www.mpaq.com.au) for more information about CCQ or how to donate.

>>United Kingdom

Sadly, due to the ongoing lockdown the UK was not able to hold competitions or have the annual gathering at the Plumber’s Statue in London, reports WPC Member Kevin Wellman. The support of social media, however, made up for the lack of direct contact.

Below are a number of links accumulated by Wellman which reflect the widespread coverage for WPD from industry organizations, the media and plumbing businesses.

“I have undoubtedly missed some of the coverage, which I apologize in advance for, but at least the above should serve as a reflection of the UK’s ongoing support for WPD and our overall endeavors to make the plumbing world a safer place,” said Wellman.

World Plumbing Day and IPA Founders Day Celebrations 2021 – YouTube

Heating Ventilating & Plumbing (HVP) magazine interviews Kevin Wellman of the CIPHE about water safety – YouTube

Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering (CIPHE) Blog Post

Over 60s Encouraged to Employ Approved Plumbers (watersafe.org.uk)

Blog | World Plumbing Day 2021 (plumbcare.com)

World Plumbing Day 2021 (observervoice.com)

World Plumbing Day 2021: Why Plumbing is More Important than ever in a Covid World (accesstraininguk.co.uk)

It’s time to shine on World Plumbing Day (registeredgasengineer.co.uk)

WPC to celebrate World Plumbing Day | Heating & Plumbing Monthly Magazine (HPM) (hpmmag.com)

Time to shine on World Plumbing Day (phamnews.co.uk)

Time to shine this World Plumbing Day – Professional Builder (probuildermag.co.uk)

APHC backs World Plumbing Day 2021 – APHC

Almanac – Thursday 3/11/21 | KALW

SNIPEF highlights plumbing professional hero for World Plumbing Day 2021 – Scottish Construction Now

Celebrating World Plumbing Day 2021 | The Edinburgh Reporter

Avrenim thanked its Plumbers on World Plumbing Day 2021 – Avrenim Group

World Plumbing Day – 11th March | BestHeating Advice Centre

Celebrating World Plumbing Day – 11th March 2021 (sert.work)

World Plumbing Day 11 March 2021 – Join together an applaud the industry – Installer Online

World Plumbing Day – GME Group (gme-group.co.uk)

United States

U.S. President Biden Recognizes World Plumbing Day

United States President Joe Biden, in a letter to Tom Bigley, chairman of the World Plumbing Council and former IAPMO Board of Directors member, recognized World Plumbing Day, acknowledging the essential service plumbers and those in our industry provide to people worldwide to ensure their access to clean, healthy water and safe sanitation.

In the letter extending greetings to all observing World Plumbing Day — March 11, Every Year, Everywhere — the president wrote:

Today, we honor the hardworking plumbers and other trained professionals who work tirelessly to bring water — trickling down from our highest mountains and up from our deepest aquifers — into our homes and offices. These workers stitch communities together and help connect all people to this precious natural resource.

Access to clean water and effective wastewater treatment systems is the right of every community, and my Administration looks forward to being a partner to ensure that right is recognized in our country and across the globe. We are committed to investing in the workers and industries that are building a world in which all people, regardless of who they are or where they live, can survive and thrive because of reliable access to clean, safe water.

The presidential statement may be viewed HERE

“We are thrilled to have President Biden recognize World Plumbing Day,” Bigley said. “We have long known the vital, life-saving role our industry plays in the world and are delighted to have our president also recognize this issue so widely. Working to ensure everyone has access to safe, reliable water and skilled professionals has always been and will continue to be our number one priority.”

The World Plumbing Council (WPC) in 2010 established March 11 as World Plumbing Day, an annual celebration to promote appreciation of the plumbing industry’s vital work on behalf of the planet and its people. The event aims to help the general public better understand how the plumbing industry protects the public’s health and safety, demonstrate the extent to which it works to limit mankind’s environmental footprint and to illuminate other important and often unsung work performed by contractors, inspectors, installers, engineers, manufacturers and academicians.

IAPMO has been an enthusiastic supporter of World Plumbing Day from its inception, developing educational materials and administering student contests to promote the event and facilitating its recognition among the highest levels of U.S. government. For several years the U.S. Senate and/or House of Representatives have passed a bipartisan resolution formally designating March 11 as World Plumbing Day.

“On behalf of IAPMO and all our brothers and sisters in the plumbing industry I want to thank President Biden for his administration’s acknowledgment and appreciation for our work,” said IAPMO CEO Dave Viola. “We understand that having the health and safety of American plumbing systems taken for granted means we are doing things really well, but it’s still nice to know people understand the expertise required to make it so.”