FEBRUARY 2024 | Chair’s Message
Welcome to the first issue of the WPC Review of the new year. A lot has happened since the last issue, so let’s dive right in.
I’d like to begin by reminding everyone that World Plumbing Day is right around the corner. The WPC will soon be sharing resources and a video to help promote World Plumbing Day. We want to encourage everyone to promote the day through their various channels and help bring global awareness to our industry and the link between good quality plumbing, health, environmental sustainability and, increasingly, economic prosperity. As an example, my organization – IAPMO – will again be promoting March4Water, an observance month to raise awareness about how communities can build resilience to water stress. Each week in March — which includes World Plumbing Day (March 11) and World Water Day (March 22) — will focus on the different water stresses across the US with tips for how to ensure all communities are safeguarded and ready for the future.
The newly elected World Plumbing Council (WPC) Executive Board met for the first time this January in Tokyo. At this meeting, the board refined strategies for the next three years, exploring the ways in which the WPC can really leverage our relationships with the myriad key organizations with which we partner, including the World Health Organization (WHO), WorldSkills International, and Messe Frankfurt.
I’m proud to share that the WPC recently received renewal of its long held non-governmental organization (NGO) status from WHO. The renewal recognizes the value of the work the WPC does in supporting WHO’s water, sanitation, and health initiatives.
Building on this relationship, the WPC is collaborating with WHO on a project in the Philippines. In June, the WPC, WHO, Philippine Society of Sanitary Engineers, and IWSH will work to make improvements to a healthcare facility in Manila — the first time WHO will be part of one of these demonstration projects.
While the obvious direct benefit to the recipient community is central to a project such as this, placing a spotlight on the importance of plumbing and sanitation, especially as they relate to a healthcare facility, is also essential. Helping people to understand the underlying benefits to health and wellbeing of sound plumbing infrastructure, how it delivers access to clean water and safe sanitation, is essential to being an NGO with WHO — demonstrating what our skill and expertise are doing to better the world and directly address one or more of the United Nations Sustainable Goals. What better way to do that than improving the plumbing system at a healthcare facility in a village community?
The project will also help WHO evaluate and update its WASH Fit guide, a risk-based, continuous improvement framework with a set of tools for undertaking water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) improvements as part of wider quality improvements in health care facilities.
The WPC continues to partner with WorldSkills International and Messe Frankfurt. The board discussed the success of last year’s Plumbing Champions program at the ISH Frankfurt show and how that model can be applied and enhanced at the WorldSkills International Skills Competition in Lyon, France, in September. This will be the first full competition since the pandemic and the WPC, IWSH and IAPMO are working closely together to make the event and post-competition project something special. Like we’ve done at previous competitions, our future plumbers from all over the world, the best and brightest, will come together not as competitors but as teammates to bring plumbing and sanitation to those most in need in the local community. The WPC will also be holding its General Membership Meeting in conjunction with the World Skills Competition. We will be sharing more details about the upcoming meeting in the near future.
A frequent realization that came through at the board meeting is that plumbing has gotten a lot more complicated and the world a lot more stressed in terms of environmental and water quality issues. We know more about the complications of stressed water — accessibility, quality, efficiency — and the potential negative impacts on plumbing systems in terms of such dangers as waterborne pathogens and scalding.
Years ago, the WPC with the assistance of its member organizations, published two seminal documents that clearly laid out some of the underappreciated work of the plumbing industry — Health Aspects of Plumbing and Environmental Aspects of Plumbing. Now, a great deal has changed in our space since their publication more than a decade ago — fuel gas being supplanted by renewable energy sources, water reuse technologies, water efficiency measures. These changes will be examined and updated as part of the WPC’s initiative to build on the success of those earlier publications in an age when connecting with all of the people involved in the plumbing industry has never been more important.
One other focus at this meeting was the WPC Scholarship and other ways the WPC can recognize those in our industry who are making truly notable contributions to our collective goals. The scholarship program is one of the tools the WPC uses to say, hey, this person is killing it, let’s give them the means and the chance to learn from other organizations, bring that knowledge back and build something meaningful in their own community. The board intends to enhance the scholarship and develop new awards that will spotlight difference makers and amplify their efforts.
Diversity and inclusion are another focus for the WPC, which provides me the welcome opportunity to highlight how awesome it is that Gaby Davis, IAPMO’s Chief Administrative Officer, is the WPC secretariat. Women are, of course, becoming increasingly more visible and integral to our industry and having Gaby as part of the leadership group that manages the WPC is frankly incredible. It is hopefully a message to female plumbing professionals worldwide that there are no limits to what they can achieve in our industry, and we encourage them to pursue a career of distinction within our ranks.
One other WPC related item I’m excited to share, in July I will serve as keynote speaker at the Summer Festival of the Worshipful Company of Plumbers in London. This venerable organization dates back to 1365 and advances a mission to “promote better plumbers, better plumbing, better health, and better lives, and we do this by supporting plumbing education, training and development, and the promotion of the ‘craft of plumbing’.” I’m looking forward to representing the WPC and IAPMO at this event and reporting back to you on the experience.
I would like to conclude this column by asking everyone to continue to contribute to the content of this newsletter. We are always looking for news and technical articles that have interest or application to the global community. Click here for details on the submission criteria.
WPC Chair
Dave Viola
World Plumbing Conference 2026 – An Update from Kevin Wellman
Registration Open, Schedule Released for Eighth Emerging Water Technology Symposium
WHO Report: WASH, Waste, Electricity and IPC: Reflections from the Ukraine
WHO Releases Guidelines and Tools to Enhance Small Water Supplies
Trades Take Center Stage at High School Outreach Night
Adam Biddulph Named SkillPLUMB UK Champion
IAPMO, ASSE Offer Access to Library of Standards
Remembering a Distinguished Australian Plumbing Industry Figure
New Regulations Requiring Flushing Toilets on Jobsites in B.C., Canada
Submitted by Kevin Wellman, CEO, The Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering
I’ve been overwhelmed by the positive response to the conference and exhibition that the U.K. will be hosting. Many colleagues across the world have spoken with me to say the issues we have identified are problems they face on a daily basis.
While there are a lot of challenges the UK heating and plumbing industry faces — net-zero targets, training new entrants, and sustainability to name just a few — they aren’t unique to these shores. The World Plumbing Council conference will look to address these.
The theme for the conference in 2026 will be Worldwide Problems, Global Solutions. As part of my role at the CIPHE, we have been focusing on addressing the three S’s – skills, sustainability and supply chain. That resonates with members from other countries, from China to Brazil, or Australia to India.
We have also been campaigning for mandatory CPD and a plumbing license, which is of much international interest, including in countries that are already on this pathway or ones that are considering the issue for the first time.
By getting in a room, discussing these topics, receiving feedback and learning from each other, we will all be in a better position to deliver the solutions that work for us both nationally and internationally.
A comprehensive three days of talks, discussions and networking sessions will be available for delegates of the 2026 World Plumbing Conference. Alongside the packed three days, visitors will have access to InstallerSHOW, where they can explore the latest plumbing and installation innovations and technologies, network with a diverse range of industry stakeholders, and foster partnerships and business growth.
This really is a fantastic opportunity for the worldwide industry. We have started working on the program, networking events, and looking to see how we can add a further “wow factor” to the conference. I encourage all installers, manufacturers, and trade associations to join us. Please save the date, 23-25 June 2026.

Early-bird registration is now open for the eighth Emerging Water Technology Symposium (EWTS), taking place 4-15 May in Scottsdale, Arizona.
The EWTS provides a unique opportunity to meet well-known experts from across the globe. Participants can discover ideas and approaches about emerging technologies coming to market; learn about innovative sustainable plumbing and mechanical concepts; view presentations; and engage in timely discussions on how the water utility, manufacturing, engineering and trade industries have found solutions through emerging technologies for the water efficiency, plumbing and mechanical industries. The theme for this year’s conference is “The Nexus Between Sustainability and Safety: Avoiding Unintended Consequences” and will feature prominent experts on these topics.
The EWTS is co-convened by the American Society of Plumbing Engineers (ASPE), the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) and Plumbing Manufacturers International (PMI), in cooperation with the World Plumbing Council (WPC).
Sarah Porter, director of the Kyl Center for Water Policy at Arizona State University, and Will Sarni, founder and CEO of Water Foundry, will deliver the keynote addresses.
The EWTS will include the following presentations:
- “Emerging Water Contaminants Impact or Premise Plumbing Systems” by Bob Bowcock, Integrated Resource Management
- “Final Barrier Solutions to the PFAs in Drinking Water” by Eric Yeggy, Water Quality Association
- “Saving Energy and Reducing Carbon with WaterSense Labeled Homes” by Jonah Schein, WaterSense
- “Saving Water and Saving Energy in Growing Communities” by Gary Klein, Gary Klein and Associates, and Dan Cole, IAPMO
- “Building Water Commissioning: Tools for Establishing Safe, Efficient, and Sustainable Water Management Programs” by Dr. Molly Scanlon, University of Arizona
- “Cooling Tower Conversion to Geothermal Sources Saves Precious Water” by Jay Egg, Egg Geo, LLC
- “Premise Plumbing Materials and Opportunistic Premise Plumbing Pathogen Growth” by Abraham Collum, Ph.D., Special Pathogens Laboratory
- Panel Discussion: “The Safety Sustainability Nexus — Where Do We Go from Here?”
A complete schedule is available HERE.
“The co-convening organizations and the Technical Review Committee have worked extremely hard to develop an incredible program for this year’s EWTS,” said IAPMO Senior Vice President of Training and Credential Services Tony Marcello. “For this reason, we are all very excited to announce that registration for the EWTS is open and we are looking forward to welcoming attendees in May in Scottsdale. We are anticipating high interest in this exciting program and encourage people that want to attend to register early, as space is limited and the event may sell out.”
The early-bird rate of US $495 ends 15 March. To register, visit https://events.aspe.org/2024EWTS. Additional information may be found at www.ewts.org. If you have any questions about the EWTS, please contact Maria Bazan at +1 (708) 995-3000.
In January 2024, Dr. Margaret Montgomery of the WHO Water, Sanitation, Hygiene and Health team and the WPC’s WHO Technical Officer, spent a week in Eastern Ukraine, where WHO co-facilitated a training on improving water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), waste and infection prevention and control (IPC) in health care facilities (HCFs).
Read the Report:
WHO has released guidelines and tools to improve small water supplies. The newly launched Guidelines for drinking water quality: small water supplies, and associated Sanitary inspection packages, aim to improve water quality, build more resilient service delivery, and combat disease surges in vulnerable and resource-constrained communities.
“Investing in small water supplies serves as a dual strategy: to effectively reduce the incidence of waterborne diseases as well as lower the overall expenses related to the prevention of illness and associated health care costs,” said Dr Maria Neira, Director, WHO’s Environment, Climate Change and Health Department. “Small supplies are especially susceptible to the impacts of climate change on water quality and quantity, adding urgency in our efforts to reach everyone with safely managed drinking-water.”

Submitted by: Dickrose Masalamani, Executive Director, JD Waters PTE LTD & President, Singapore Plumbing Society
Singapore’s water systems are a testament to sustainable water management and conservation efforts. Singapore’s journey toward water sustainability is a story of innovation, collaboration, and resilience.
One of the key reasons Singapore has emerged as a leader in water management is its proactive approach to addressing water scarcity. With a limited natural water supply, Singapore recognized the need for alternative solutions early on. This drove the development of a robust water system, encompassing diverse strategies such as water recycling, desalination, and efficient distribution networks.
Water demand in Singapore is about 430 million gallons a day, with each person utilizing 150 liters daily. The domestic sector consumes 45% and the non-domestic sector takes up the remaining 55%. By 2065, Singapore’s total water demand could almost double, with the non-domestic sector accounting for about 60%. Until then, NEWater and desalination are sufficient to meet the majority of Singapore’s future water demand. Each person’s target daily consumption of water in Singapore is set to be at 130 liters by 2030.
The 1961 Water Agreement between the Johor state government, Malaysia and Singapore expired Aug. 31, 2011. However, Singapore continues to import water from Johor under the 1962 Water Agreement, which enables us to import in up to 250 million gallons daily from Johor River until 2060.
The emergence of NEWater began in the 1970s when Singapore’s government commissioned a study to determine the feasibility of producing reclaimed water. Although the study found it was technically possible, the technology’s high cost and unproven reliability then were insurmountable concerns. In the 1990s, however, membrane technology’s cost and performance had improved considerably. In 1998, the Public Utilities Board, Singapore (PUB) set up a team to test the latest proven membrane technology’s use in water reclamation for potable purposes. Two years later, it commissioned a full-scale demonstration plant that could produce 10,000 cubic meters daily. In 2003, we launched NEWater to the Singaporean public, with the opening of the first two NEWater plants at Bedok and Kranji, and the NEWater Visitor Centre, a water museum to showcase our journey toward water sustainability.
As part of our commitment to water conservation, Singaporeans are encouraged to adopt water-saving habits in their daily lives. By practicing simple actions such as using water-efficient appliances, fixing leaks promptly, and being mindful of water usage, individuals can contribute to our collective efforts toward sustainability.
Singapore’s journey toward water sustainability is a testament to the power of innovation, collaboration, and responsible stewardship. As we continue to navigate the challenges of water scarcity and climate change, let us remain steadfast in our commitment to preserving this precious resource for future generations.
Together, we can make a difference.

The trades in the U.S. are projecting a significant shortage of workers over the coming years, as the “blue-collar” jobs often get a bad rap and aren’t promoted nearly as heavily as a college degree. One of the goals of the WPC is to reach the next generation and present the plumbing trade as a respectable, rewarding career that can be an alternative to college, with advantages such as substantial salaries and safeguards against disruptive influences such as AI.
IAPMO’s membership magazine, Official, recently covered an event where representatives from more than two dozen trade organizations assembled at a Southern California high school to educate and remind students that attending a traditional four-year college or university is not the only path to a successful career. The event was highly successful and well received by parents, students and educators. The WPC encourages its members to be involved in their communities and help promote and participate in events similar to this.
Read the Official Article: https://eofficial.org/trades-take-center-stage-at-high-school-outreach-night/

Submitted by Water Management Plumbing Skill Council
Water Management & Plumbing Skill Council (WMPSC) is the National Level Awarding Body and Sector Skill Council for the water and plumbing Industry, operating under the aegis of the National Council for Vocational Education and Training (NCVET) and National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), an initiative of the Government of India, Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship (MoSDE) to transform India as the hub for skilled manpower, as envisioned by our Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. We are a not-for-profit organization working toward creating a formal and robust ecosystem of skill development in India. WMPSC provides the Government of India with skill certification aligned to the National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF) and National Credit Framework (NCrF) for the workforce engaged in the water and plumbing sector.
This article delves into the initiatives and activities that WMPSC has undertaken, demonstrating its unwavering commitment to skills development, national policy alignment, and sustainability.
Bridging the Global Skills Gap: WMPSC recognizes the international demand for skilled plumbers. With technicians migrating to Singapore, Europe, and the Middle East, the council is relentlessly equipping individuals with the skills to match international standards, paving their way for successful careers abroad. Trans-national mapping was conducted, and qualifications are mapped to the international requirements. WMPSC is creating programs catering to the specific skills needs of the regions and preparing the workforce for the same.
Aligning with National Education Policy (NEP): Recognizing the transformative potential of the National Education Policy of 2020, WMPSC is aligning its qualifications, courses with the principles of the NEP, ensuring relevance and accessibility for students and technicians seeking higher education and career advancement.
National Credit Framework (NCrF): Through its qualifications, WMPSC is actively aligning to the National Credit Framework (NCrF). This empowers individuals to earn credits while gaining valuable skills, opening doors to further opportunities and personal growth. WMPSC is creating modular certification programs in the water, plumbing and related sectors. These will help align to the dynamic changes in the industry and ensure that the training programs are industry relevant.
Skilling for All Levels: WMPSC caters to a diverse audience. The qualifications range from higher education programs for college students to initiatives aimed at upskilling and reskilling existing technicians. This comprehensive approach ensures inclusivity and continuous learning within the entire spectrum of the workforce in the sector.
Embracing Digitalization: Recognizing the digital revolution, WMPSC is actively moving toward providing an educational technology platform to industry, organizations and associations via Skill India Digital. The digital platforms will enable anytime-anywhere skill delivery, empowering students, the workforce and youths to skill, upskill and reskill themselves, contributing to India’s digital readiness and ensuring a future-ready workforce.
Main Bhi Jal Rakshak: Empowering the young generation, this impactful campaign, launched in September 2022, champions the cause of water conservation. WMPSC has already forged partnerships with Rotary International and the Art of Living Foundation, and invites more organizations to join hands. By educating students on water-saving techniques, developing relevant programs, and fostering a sense of responsibility, WMPSC is empowering tomorrow’s generation to become custodians of water savings. The campaign aims to reach school students across various states, training them to educate their communities and contribute to saving 1,000 crores of liters of water annually.
Partnership with Ministry of Jal Shakti (MoJS): WMPSC’s collaboration with the Ministry of Jal Shakti’s Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) showcases its commitment to national welfare. We have created the Jal Vitaran Sanchalak (water distribution operator) job role in consultation with MoJS and are in the process of building capacity for the Nal Jal Mitra Program, including development of training centers, certified trainers and assessors across the country. WMPSC is committed to preparing skilled manpower for the operation and maintenance of water distribution systems created under the Jal Jeevan Mission, thereby creating a positive impact to countless lives in rural areas.
Development of Quality Training Infrastructure: To bridge the skills gap, WMPSC is spearheading the establishment of state-of-the-art centers deemed as Centers of Excellence (CoE). These CoEs deliver high-quality, industry-oriented trainings focused toward the National and International placements to the beneficiaries. The CoEs also create aspirational value to the trade of water management and plumbing.
Beyond Trainings: Corporate Social Responsibility: WMPSC’s commitment extends beyond just training and certification. By undertaking various CSR projects with industry partners, not-for-profit organizations and associations, WMPSC continuously contributes toward the development of communities in the related sectors.
WMPSC’s multifaceted approach as an organization is dedicated to transforming India’s skilling landscape. From international skills development to national policy alignment, from water conservation initiatives to infrastructure investment, WMPSC leaves no stone unturned in its pursuit of excellence. We have created various models of engagement to ensure all a positive impact from all our associations. We invite associations and organizations to join hands with us and collaborate in the development of the global water and plumbing industry. Please contact wmpsc@wmpsc.in to learn more about how you can contribute.

Frankfurt am Main, Jan. 25, 2024. Powerful dynamic forces characterize the markets in which the sanitation, heating and ventilation industry operates. Responsible for this are not only the broad spectrum of subject areas but also the results of political decision making. Now, the world’s leading trade fair for HVAC and water is reacting to these developments with a new concept, and focusing more than ever before on visitors. Also new are the eight solution fields tailored exactly to participants’ interests. Thus, all visitors to ISH 2025 from March 17 to 21 have the opportunity to benefit to the utmost from their time at the fair.
The world needs solutions to stop climate change, and innovations that can contribute to this are shown by exhibitors at ISH in Frankfurt am Main. ISH is the heart of the sanitation, heating and ventilation industry, and offers a mirror image of the market situation. Against this background, exhibitors, Messe Frankfurt and its partners have jointly analyzed the form this international meeting place must take to support the aims of market participants to the greatest possible extent. The result is a new, modern and future-oriented approach, which puts the focus of the fair more sharply than ever before on visitors and their needs.
Eight solution fields point the way
From bathroom designers, via specialists for heating and air-conditioning technology, to experts for renewable energies and building-services control systems, the spectrum of visitors to ISH in Frankfurt is no less diverse than the spectrum covered by the industry. Under the motto “Solutions for a sustainable future,” ISH 2025 will offer all participants a new, transparent and modern event structure. The centerpiece of the new concept comprises eight solution fields:
- Bathrooms
- Water-bearing systems
- Installation
- Heat generation
- Indoor air
- Intelligent building management
- Software
- Sanitary & HVAC products
At the cutting edge, the subjects of sustainability and digitalization play an important role in all fields of ISH. “In principle, the event is undergoing a kind of metamorphosis from a straightforward product exhibition to a solution-oriented application show. To this end, the new solution fields will ensure improved orientation and exact matching between the demand and supply sides. This is the basis, the foundation for a modern and powerful international meeting place,” said Stefan Seitz, director of ISH Brand Management.
The inclusion of the new Hall 5, which was opened in 2023, is the key to the new ISH structure in 2025. Accordingly, the new concept will also be reflected by the layout of the fair in the individual exhibition halls. In this connection, Seitz adds, “In the future, content and knowledge transfer will take place in close thematic proximity to the relevant exhibitors, thus creating a stronger link between the presentations of innovative solutions with best-practice examples and information about developments in the market. After all, both are directly connected, and an advantage in terms of specialist knowledge is of indispensable added value for all visitors.” Accordingly, the themes will be determined at an even earlier stage and take the interests of international visitors into account.
Detailed information about the eight solution fields can be found at ish.messefrankfurt.com.
Think ahead to 2025 and benefit from the early-booking discount!
Companies can already plan their participation in ISH from March 17-21, 2025, and benefit from the lower early-booking price by submitting a non-binding Intention to Exhibit by March 1, 2024. Full details about exhibiting at ISH 2025 are available online at www.ish.messefrankfurt.com/exhibitors.

Left to right: Neil Collishaw, CEO of BPEC; Adam Biddulph; and Nic Drew, Business Development manager at Monument Tools.
Adam Biddulph was named the SkillPLUMB 2023 UK champion and gold medal winner after a challenging two-day event at Oldham College.
Biddulph, 20, who is employed by Cheshire firm Meel Group and trains with Stockport College (part of the Trafford College Group), scored most highly in a complex task that involved the installation of a central heating system and hot/cold water system, incorporating a boiler, unvented hot water cylinder and associated pipework and bespoke designed copper radiators.
Taking second place and the silver medal was Keshab Rana Magar of the Army Royal Engineers/Royal School of Military Engineering & Mid-Kent College, with the bronze medal awarded to Tomos Evans of Pembrokeshire College and RL Evans Plumbing & Heating.
A special “Highly Commended” mention was also given to David Bateman Smith of South West College NI and Ashley McFarland Plumbing & Heating for a high-scoring performance alongside the three medal winners.
The SkillPLUMB final was one of 50 WorldSkills UK national finals held in November across Greater Manchester. Competitors from all events, along with their supporters, gathered at the WorldSkills UK Medal Ceremony at the prestigious Bridgewater Hall in central Manchester, hosted by TV and radio personality Edith Bowman.
Speaking of his win, Adam said: “I’m over the moon; it’s a massive achievement and all the hard work and dedication to my job over the past few years has paid off. During the competition I just worked at my own pace and tried to ignore everything going on around me. The standard of everyone else’s work was brilliant, but I felt like I had a chance at the top three and I’m so happy to win gold.
“I’d like to thank my college tutor, Steven Jackson, for putting me forward for SkillPLUMB and convincing me to do it, my work colleagues and family for their support, and to everyone involved in running the competition.”
SkillPLUMB is organized by industry charity BPEC and is part of the WorldSkills UK competition framework. The event has Monument Tools as its lead sponsor and is supported by other industry sponsors including Mueller Europe, Worcester Bosch Group, DeWalt, APHC, JIB-PMES, SNIPEF, Grohe, Water Safe, CIPHE, Plumbmaster and McAlpine Plumbing Products.
Neil Collishaw, CEO of BPEC, said: “We’re so proud of our competitors this year; we’ve witnessed hard work, skills, dedication, and the ability to work to a high standard under pressure. Congratulations to Adam for his outstanding performance, but also to Keshab, Tomos, David and all the other competitors for being great role models to young plumbers across the industry.”
SkillPLUMB is open to plumbing apprentices and Level 2 or 3 plumbing students. Next year’s competition will open in February 2023. To find out more visit www.bpec.org.uk/skillplumb.
The International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO®) and ASSE International are offering read-only access to their library of standards. This includes access to more than 100 national standards (including American National Standards, Canadian National Standards, and Professional Qualifications Standards, as well as more than 200 industry standards (IGC, PS, and TS). Many of these standards are referenced in the plumbing, mechanical, solar, swimming pool and building codes; about 200 standards are referenced in the 2024 Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC®) and the 2024 Uniform Mechanical Code (UMC®). IAPMO and ASSE believe access to standards should not come at an additional cost or burden to the public, and without requiring a membership to view the standards.
Access to standards is available at the following URLs:
- IAPMO ANSI standards
- IAPMO Canadian standards
- IAPMO Industry standards
- IAPMO Manuals
- ASSE ANSI standards
- ASSE Professional Qualifications standards
- IAPMO Codes
IAPMO is also providing free downloadable access to the following Manuals of Best Practice and Conformity Assessment documents:
- The Safe Closure and Reopening of Building Water Systems
- IAPMO Conformity Assessment Document: California Proposition 65 Compliance-Products or Materials
- Toilet Room Design: All Gender, Health, Safety, Privacy and Security
- Medical Gas Resiliency
IAPMO has developed American National Standards (ANS), initially as the Secretariat for the ANSI Z124 Technical Committee, and since 2005 as an ANSI-accredited standards development organization. In 2018, IAPMO received accreditation through the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) for development of National Standards of Canada, thus accepting the responsibility for development of CAN/IAPMO-designated standards.
ASSE product and professional standards are developed by experts from all segments of the plumbing and mechanical industries, from across the country, who gather to determine the minimum performance and knowledge requirements for products and professionals. Deep knowledge and constant improvement of nearly 50 product performance standards for plumbing components — most notably backflow preventers and temperature actuated mixing valves — as well as 13 professional qualifications standards — most notably for cross-connection control and medical gas personnel — puts ASSE in a class of its own.
IAPMO industry standards (e.g., IGC, PS, and TS) cover innovative new plumbing products not addressed by existing national standards. Often, new products or new technologies surge ahead far more quickly than existing standards can keep pace. Through industry standards, IAPMO provides manufacturers and product developers a vehicle for introducing new products to the marketplace in a timely manner. Although IAPMO industry standards have traditionally focused primarily on plumbing, in the past few years IAPMO has also developed standards for solar heating systems and components, mechanical products (e.g., heating, ventilation, cooling and refrigeration system products), and for products used in the recreational vehicle and manufactured housing industry.
IAPMO and ASSE have been the industry’s choice for plumbing and mechanical standards development for more than 30 years. As technology rapidly improves, the IAPMO Standards Department is ready to meet the needs of the industry. Please visit the IAPMO standards website for more information HERE.
For questions on IAPMO and ASSE standards, please contact Terry Burger at (909) 519-0740 or terry.burger@asse-plumbing.org.
In December 2023, The Master Plumbers and Gasfitters Association of Western Australia posthumously inducted Kyla Ann Jones into the association’s Hall of Fame. This tribute occurred during the association’s annual Awards for Excellence presentation event, where people from across the industry had gathered to acknowledge the highest levels of achievement and professional commitment.
Jones was one of the most highly respected individuals in the Australian plumbing industry, in which she had an outstanding 30-year career.
In 2016, Jones became manager of Operations and Industry for The Master Plumbers and Gasfitters Association of Western Australia. She dedicated herself to this role until her death in a traffic accident in December 2022.
Jones was a dynamic leader whose energy, dedication and strategic thinking skills lifted the performance of the association and transformed the quality of the services it provides to members.
Approximately 300 people from the plumbing industry attended Jones’ funeral service. They included interstate industry figures who made the long journey across Australia to Perth, which is one of the most remote capital cities in the world.
The Awards for Excellence are for members of The Master Plumbers and Gasfitters Association of Western Australia who achieve outstanding results in various categories of technical expertise and business operations.
One such category is customer service excellence and in 2023, this was permanently renamed the Kyla Ann Jones Memorial – Customer Service Excellence category.
By naming an annual award category after Jones as well as inducting her into the Hall of Fame, the association is ensuring she will always be remembered.
The proud winner of the Kyla Ann Jones Memorial – Customer Service category was RMC Plumbing. The other finalists were Hilton Plumbing and Beautiful Plumbing. The category was sponsored by Galvin Engineering.

Photo: British Columbia Premier David Eby announces a legal requirement for flush toilets on construction sites of 25 workers or more at the BC Building Trades annual convention in Victoria, B.C. (Cakewalk Media)
Submitted by the BC Building Trades Council and UA Local 170
For too long, construction workers have been faced with filthy, unsanitary conditions in worksite bathrooms. Ask any group of workers about their experiences with porta-potties and you’re sure to hear answers that range from unpleasant to absolutely disgusting.
Now, there has been a significant development on construction site sanitation in British Columbia, Canada.
The BC Building Trades Council and its 20 affiliate craft construction unions have been pushing WorkSafeBC and the provincial government for flush toilets on large construction sites for the past three years. This past fall, that work paid off.
B.C. Premier David Eby was in attendance at the BC Building Trades 51st Constitutional Convention in Victoria and during his speech announced forthcoming regulatory changes for construction sites.
“If we want people to work in the trades, if we want to show people that this is a great way to support your family and build your community, the basic ability to go to a bathroom that doesn’t stink, that isn’t a mess, where you can flush a toilet is a basic requirement for a decent job site,” said Eby.
Through its highly successful ‘Get Flushed’ campaign, the BC Building Trades has been asking for regulations that would require flush toilets, either hooked up to the sewer system or simply with waste removed to a separate storage tank, on sites that have or will have 25 workers or more.
UA 170 business manager and financial secretary Al Phillips, who is also president of the BC Building Trades Council, is pleased with the Premier’s promise for flush toilets.
“This is a big win for working people,” said Phillips. “It is going to have a huge impact on the every day lives and the morale of workers across the province.”
The BC Building Trades is continuing to push WorkSafeBC and the provincial government for the best regulation possible as the process of developing and enshrining the policy moves forward.
You can find out more about the BC Building Trades’ ‘Get Flushed’ campaign at www.getflushed.ca.
Do you know of an organization or individual interested in joining the WPC? Share this link (https://www.worldplumbing.org/shop/) so they can join and become part of our global plumbing community!
February 27-29, 2024
Las Vegas, NV
Aqua-Therm | Praha 2024
5-8 March 2024
Prague (CZ)
Emerging Water Technologies Symposium
May 14 – 15, 2024
Scottsdale, AZ
NIGERIA BuildExpo 2024
Landmark Centre, Lagos -NIGERIA
21-23 MAY 2024
WA Plumbing Industry Expo
9-10 August 2024
Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre (PCEC), Australia
WorldSkills Lyon 2024
10-15 September 2024
95th Annual IAPMO Conference
September 22 – 26, 2024
Las Vegas, NV
ISH Frankfurt am Main
17-21 March 2025
Contact secretariat@worldplumbing.org to provide an event report or request listing of an upcoming event.